Seagrave Fire Apparatus
August 27, 2018

Congratulations to the Potomac Heights Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad of Indian Head, Maryland on your order of a new Seagrave Heavy-Rescue. Seagrave thanks you for your business and looks forward to working with you!

Some features of this apparatus include:

* Seagrave Attacker 2-Door Stainless Steel Cab
* Cummins ISX12 500 HP Engine
* 18" Extended Bumper
* 12,000 Lb Ramsey Winch In Front Bumper
* 26' Walk-in Stainless Steel Body
* Hannay High and Low Pressure Hose Reels
* Hannay Electric Reels
* Hannay Hydraulic Reels
* Whelen LED Warning Light Package
* Fire Tech Hi-Viz LED Scene Lighting
* Six LED Unit Command Light Tower
* Roto-Ray Warning Light
* Onan Protec 35 kW PTO Generator
* Zone Defense Camera System
* Side Receiver Tubes
* 225" Wheel-Base
* Overall Length 36' 3"
* Overall Height 10' 9"

For additional information on this or other Seagrave products, contact your local Seagrave Representative or call 715-823-1975.


Follow us on Instagram #seagravefireapparatusfwd